Semi Official Memebomb Archive

#1336 -305 = 2085 - 2390 - +
Good Morning!
Nope, nothing's changed.
#1343 -261 = 1989 - 2250 - +
We all know that no one understands anything that isn't funny.
#3069 -296 = 1904 - 2200 - +
Thigh highs are the currency of a new generation
#6491 -122 = 1106 - 1228 - +
"Newfags can't triforce"?
â–¼ â–¼
explain that.
#5230 -353 = 2163 - 2516 - +
Disregard this line of text and everything after/before; I think it's nonsense
#4104 -287 = 2347 - 2634 - +
everything was better, back when everything was worse.
#5443 -297 = 2075 - 2372 - +
Expectations are preconceived disappointments!
#5322 -292 = 2501 - 2793 - +
#6096 -524 = 2665 - 3189 - +
Everyone's Discordia is different
collect all 1024
#3831 -298 = 2601 - 2899 - +
i'm so sorry, but i can't help you.
#6179 -254 = 3074 - 3328 - +
a lie told often enough becomes truth
#4497 -276 = 2229 - 2505 - +
Opportunity knocked, but i was in the shower.
#5567 -341 = 1785 - 2126 - +
All generalisations are false
#5060 -315 = 1920 - 2235 - +
Let us prey
#1954 -274 = 2745 - 3019 - +
reality doesn't understand itself.
#5644 -290 = 1614 - 1904 - +
It's an Elder Thing--you wouldn't understand.
#1840 -296 = 1965 - 2261 - +
Where is rez ist when i need her?
#5532 -309 = 2396 - 2705 - +
"did I do that?"
     -Steve urkel
#5415 -421 = 2484 - 2905 - +
"Black holes are where God divided by zero." - Steven Wright
#5573 -269 = 1805 - 2074 - +
Civil war is an oxymoron.
#5449 -251 = 2874 - 3125 - +
Moisten pellets with water to stimulate feeding behavior.
#2063 -285 = 2062 - 2347 - +
there's so such thing as wasted time, only wasted people to spend it with.
#4728 -338 = 2562 - 2900 - +
Being the Inquisition is GOOD.
#815 -297 = 2105 - 2402 - +
Security Through Obscurity
#4033 -336 = 2190 - 2526 - +
The problem is that the problem isn't a problem.
#2752 -317 = 2443 - 2760 - +
You're already in its belly.
#3609 -277 = 2132 - 2409 - +
I used to be self-actualized, now I'm just confused.
#1575 -285 = 3093 - 3378 - +
there is no aspect of human experience that globalist capitol cannot reduce to miserable tedium...
#6449 -578 = 2066 - 2644 - +
Take the RED pill.
#2599 -299 = 2492 - 2791 - +
You always love the ones you hurt
#3251 -246 = 2577 - 2823 - +
Never eat more than you can lift.
#2112 -308 = 2215 - 2523 - +
Life is a perpetual instruction in cause and effect.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
#1969 -313 = 2185 - 2498 - +
#6136 -316 = 2765 - 3081 - +
trechia then the treachiousness: Call'd me !
#5339 -257 = 2296 - 2553 - +
It is what it is and it aint what it aint. if it was what it aint, then it aint what it was - ryan dobson
#5093 -326 = 2058 - 2384 - +
Just give up and go crazy.
#3485 -269 = 2514 - 2783 - +
mi si ma ni me soto - Learning is the meaning of life
#6010 -292 = 2280 - 2572 - +
We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
#3083 -293 = 2640 - 2933 - +
I’m Not Delusional, I’m An Entrepreneur
#5193 -287 = 2220 - 2507 - +
There is no cure for stupidity.
#4146 -1764 = 4883 - 6647 - +
To be written on elevator doors: "You are now trapped"
#2974 -289 = 3209 - 3498 - +
It is happening again.
#1805 -286 = 2210 - 2496 - +
Embrace Free Will....It's your DESTINY!
#1142 -309 = 1890 - 2199 - +
Dear mr. Rumsfeld, to whom do I submit the receipts for the 19 box cutters?
#5400 -266 = 2956 - 3222 - +
Wake up!
This is all a dream!
#3047 -346 = 2547 - 2893 - +
Congratulations! Your next clue is:
#4549 -332 = 1963 - 2295 - +
Evolution doesn't take prisoners.
#1198 -269 = 2486 - 2755 - +
Laugh as though no one is dancing
#5514 -271 = 2123 - 2394 - +
Tough times do not last forever.
Tough men do.
#4669 -299 = 2697 - 2996 - +
Ultimately wise magic crystal ball divination says: MAYBE
#4884 -293 = 2164 - 2457 - +
Information so powerful you actually use less!
#1775 -275 = 2124 - 2399 - +
If you're with me, then you're against me.
#5780 -313 = 2445 - 2758 - +
You're standing in it now.
#3388 -296 = 2370 - 2666 - +
I declare a permanent state of happiness.
#1498 -287 = 2021 - 2308 - +
Guys have right. Change are coming.
#1364 -293 = 1910 - 2203 - +
ignorance is knowledge
#1742 -339 = 1533 - 1872 - +
Society wants people conform, but if all conformed how would society evolve
#5130 -324 = 2245 - 2569 - +
the zombie virus can travel through all sorts of media.
#4131 -308 = 2418 - 2726 - +
Coffee is bean water.
#6022 -326 = 2343 - 2669 - +
#5726 -310 = 2730 - 3040 - +
just say know
#5953 -282 = 2042 - 2324 - +
human governments are like men's briefs: if they aren't changed occasionally, they breed dick taters.
#6248 -312 = 3041 - 3353 - +
thinking too much can only cause problems
#2895 -306 = 2544 - 2850 - +
Until, one by one... HE DESTROYED THEM ALL!
#3028 -292 = 1766 - 2058 - +
Magick is the technology of the unconscious.
#5662 -386 = 2221 - 2607 - +
How do you get all those coins?
#1451 -290 = 2117 - 2407 - +
You know that opinions are like assholes (everyone has one), what happens is that you can't get a good one by means of surgery.
#5325 -284 = 2600 - 2884 - +
There's someone in my head, but it's not me
#2869 -285 = 2890 - 3175 - +
I like work; it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it for hours.
#1538 -261 = 2721 - 2982 - +
#2232 -351 = 1549 - 1900 - +
Home is where the disease is
#5288 -304 = 2394 - 2698 - +
the voice of god is just a construct
#6005 -401 = 2283 - 2684 - +
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
#2524 -346 = 2467 - 2813 - +
bad intentions can yield good results
#789 -301 = 2350 - 2651 - +
remote viewing is now possible through the social media platforms of the internet
#5990 -256 = 2435 - 2691 - +
Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.
-Lillian Hellman
#971 -246 = 2947 - 3193 - +
There are five kinds of people:
#2824 -279 = 2032 - 2311 - +
My question is simply this: Are you menstruating?
#2098 -2272 = 5668 - 7940 - +
That wasn't aimed at you.
#2624 -279 = 1786 - 2065 - +
Okay, everybody in this room who's telekinetic, raise my hand.
#2210 -262 = 2044 - 2306 - +
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
-George Orwell
#2279 -353 = 1863 - 2216 - +
(what if) God created Man because he wanted a worthy adversary(?)
#4457 -266 = 2161 - 2427 - +
Truth is just our need to make things come to existence
#3921 -321 = 2020 - 2341 - +
Behave as you like, but think like others.
#806 -362 = 1830 - 2192 - +
i have sex with baby goats...just kidding!
#6207 -268 = 3105 - 3373 - +
what's stopping you?
#3157 -267 = 2520 - 2787 - +
angst is lame
#722 -2283 = 4999 - 7282 - +
Nothing knits man to man like the frequent passage from hand to hand of cash.
-Walter Richard Sickert
#2176 -285 = 2157 - 2442 - +
Masturbation is self-improvement.
#2031 -326 = 1942 - 2268 - +
If you can't laugh at yourself, then others will do the laughing for you.
#1685 -267 = 2429 - 2696 - +
whom slumbers with an itchy bottom, awakens with a smelly finger
#5623 -341 = 1992 - 2333 - +
Surrealism aims at the total transformation of the mind and all that resembles it.
#2587 -320 = 2241 - 2561 - +
Laugh for 10-15 mins or until hysterically screaming
#1939 -266 = 2879 - 3145 - +
No good plan goes unpunished
#4748 -301 = 3047 - 3348 - +
Just because it's common sense doesn't mean it's true.
#1908 -320 = 2069 - 2389 - +
You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. - Navajo proverb
#3298 -276 = 2518 - 2794 - +
Hey, you in the gray suit. Your wife is cheating on you.
#1420 -288 = 1952 - 2240 - +
Truth Hurts, Troof Tickles.
#3005 -1705 = 4668 - 6373 - +
Stasis is the most potent force for change.
#3677 -289 = 2964 - 3253 - +

5201 Live Kwotes, 741 Deleted Kwotes

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