Semi Official Memebomb Archive

Without changing our pattern of thought, we will not be able to solve the problems we created with our current patterns of thought.
#5187 -295 = 2613 - 2908 - +
some hacks hoax
#6239 -279 = 3369 - 3648 - +
Aborton kills, but so does McDonalds.
#644 -358 = 2116 - 2474 - +
A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.
#592 -332 = 2462 - 2794 - +
human governments are like men's briefs: if they aren't changed occasionally, they breed dick taters.
#6248 -322 = 3107 - 3429 - +
Any sufficiently advanced religion is indistinguishable from schizophrenia.
#735 -329 = 2655 - 2984 - +
If at first, the idea is not absurd,
don't panic. - a datable mrs.
#5039 -443 = 2669 - 3112 - +
#6342 -583 = 3366 - 3949 - +
but a world with no idiots would be lonely - valetine wiggin.
#4681 -409 = 2410 - 2819 - +
minimalism is about the details
#2052 -318 = 2754 - 3072 - +
Since we're not all there, we're all here
#6499 -129 = 752 - 881 - +
My father warned me about men and booze... but he never said anything about women and cocaine.
#2087 -261 = 2250 - 2511 - +
revolting isn't necessarily revolutionary
#6345 -528 = 3339 - 3867 - +
You took my breath away and now I want it back.
#3357 -257 = 2097 - 2354 - +
The Sun impregnated the Earth with its photonic sperm; we are all their children.
#5102 -319 = 2646 - 2965 - +
Don't let signs like this one tell you what to do.
#5540 -290 = 2485 - 2775 - +
Being the most uninteresting person in the world makes you interesting
#816 -296 = 1793 - 2089 - +
Fuck the Man, he needs it.
#4355 -1842 = 4831 - 6673 - +
it's now 2023 and the klf suck suck suck
#5951 -338 = 2486 - 2824 - +
Don't fart then inhale it
#5692 -368 = 2812 - 3180 - +
Heretics have the best barbecues!
#1411 -336 = 2387 - 2723 - +
eris is my higher power
#5707 -290 = 2425 - 2715 - +
where there is no war, peace is about to be screwed.
#5052 -315 = 2487 - 2802 - +
If you meet John Galt on your path, kill him
#3916 -282 = 1958 - 2240 - +
the way is already narrow without your help.
#6272 -272 = 3404 - 3676 - +
The darkest aspect of human nature: We are often afraid of the Light.
#4954 -253 = 2661 - 2914 - +
those without self-control seek to control others
#6240 -364 = 3224 - 3588 - +
Necessity never made a good bargain.
-Benjamin Franklin
#2105 -254 = 2772 - 3026 - +
This is the only warning I'm allowed to give you.
#2915 -268 = 2435 - 2703 - +
Before it was a bomb, it was an idea. Superman is a stronger, faster, better idea.
#5077 -307 = 2296 - 2603 - +
If you can't laugh about it, you're probably not respecting it enough (Καμιγκάζι)
#5437 -288 = 2179 - 2467 - +
The last person to read this was far more attractive then the next, don't you agree?
#2701 -297 = 1830 - 2127 - +
#5428 -264 = 2116 - 2380 - +
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who believe there are two kinds of people and those who don't.
-Benchley's Law of Distinction
#2836 -258 = 1999 - 2257 - +
i hate to break it to you but your mother is not a virgin
#4321 -262 = 2183 - 2445 - +
I get insulted by ads telling me I could dress better. The CIA never tells me that, and you know why? Because they can actually see me.
#4154 -224 = 3402 - 3626 - +
cats are goddesses who are seceretly cotrolling you
just think on it.
#4327 -247 = 2496 - 2743 - +
Don't Think!! BELIEVE!!
#1099 -307 = 1711 - 2018 - +
Sanity isn't the survival trait it used to be.
#2436 -394 = 1792 - 2186 - +
it's important to stay clean on all levels
#1852 -269 = 2315 - 2584 - +
an elite is inevitable
#706 -2111 = 5040 - 7151 - +
#6032 -336 = 2500 - 2836 - +
What women really care about is the ability to kill their children.
#5150 -296 = 2632 - 2928 - +
He who disagrees with me in private, call him a fool. He who disagrees with me in public, call him an ambulance.
#4306 -286 = 2225 - 2511 - +
Any sufficiently advanced metaphysics is indistinguishable from bullshit.
#733 -248 = 3012 - 3260 - +
He who lives without folly is less wise than he believes.
#1397 -271 = 2536 - 2807 - +
expect a spanish inquisition.
#4745 -256 = 2690 - 2946 - +
#4085 -260 = 2795 - 3055 - +
I want to exist, therefore I am thinking.
#1580 -259 = 2828 - 3087 - +
The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopts them.
-Mark Twain
#2757 -265 = 2380 - 2645 - +
ignoring enemies is the best way to fight
#1744 -350 = 1786 - 2136 - +
To err is human; to forgive is not company policy.
#2979 -321 = 2196 - 2517 - +
At least i know how to live a Painfull life instead of beeing death !
Question : "does that make me a Necron ?"
#5363 -306 = 2655 - 2961 - +
Computers, like cats, can operate crossdimensionally; the trick is in getting them to do what you want.
#934 -242 = 2787 - 3029 - +
Imprint your reality here.
#5594 -252 = 2081 - 2333 - +
go ahead and write something that makes you look more inteligent, original or sarcastic.
#5375 -284 = 2915 - 3199 - +
challenge your habits
#898 -240 = 3414 - 3654 - +
money has no real value. they do not even reflect the planet resources.
#5108 -262 = 2542 - 2804 - +
What happens when you cut back the jungle? It recedes.
#3143 -326 = 2555 - 2881 - +
If you are not a part of disillusion, you're a part of the problem
#3811 -251 = 2825 - 3076 - +
if you're not doing whatever the hell you want
you're wasting your potential
#5435 -362 = 2443 - 2805 - +
no one knows about the walls we are surrounded by now
#5815 -263 = 2971 - 3234 - +
For NOw, I've discounted suicide in favor of killing everyone else in the entire world instead.
#5446 -264 = 2357 - 2621 - +
"You can only eat so much rust"
                    -the drumming bird of paradox
#5416 -327 = 2364 - 2691 - +
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
#2501 -248 = 2602 - 2850 - +
ARISE! And claim your destiny: A coup for every chicken, and a chicken for every coup!
#757 -307 = 2775 - 3082 - +
#6309 -429 = 3316 - 3745 - +
if you have many desires your life will be interesting
#1702 -271 = 2268 - 2539 - +
Ceci n'est pas une phrase.
#3608 -267 = 2407 - 2674 - +
Again? thats the third time this week!
#4689 -252 = 2685 - 2937 - +
Theft is liberty
#2819 -261 = 2750 - 3011 - +
#6132 -287 = 2868 - 3155 - +
ice 4 eyes
#6271 -357 = 3072 - 3429 - +
The very fact that you exist is the end product of billions of Aeons of fantastically unlikely events. Statistically you don't exist.
#5062 -281 = 2439 - 2720 - +
Cool manacle! ...It's a watch? Yeah, that's what I said.
#4397 -244 = 3077 - 3321 - +
Theologians, they don't know nothing about my soul.
#3902 -281 = 2172 - 2453 - +
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
#594 -257 = 3044 - 3301 - +
#6224 -350 = 2939 - 3289 - +
Your dick sucks!
#6392 -599 = 2745 - 3344 - +
The trick is whatever happens next
#6406 -595 = 2103 - 2698 - +
WARNING: The vomitous nature of certain sequences may be emotionally hazardous for the squeamish or those with weak hearts.
#3060 -281 = 1975 - 2256 - +
routine is a link with the past
#2426 -314 = 2176 - 2490 - +
fuck your brand of individuality.
#1303 -314 = 2032 - 2346 - +
All things being equal, fat people use more soap.
#694 -427 = 2642 - 3069 - +
Do you mistake your inner monologue for reality?
#3640 -273 = 2367 - 2640 - +
One repays a teacher poorly if they remain a student - Nietzsche
#4556 -273 = 2092 - 2365 - +
There is no edge: the world is boundless & forbids us from fleeing
#5876 -252 = 2295 - 2547 - +
If you're not part of the solution, you're probably part of the solute.
#4002 -336 = 2598 - 2934 - +
5-19-13. EXPECT US.
#4378 -324 = 2044 - 2368 - +
"No Comment" is a comment.
#5064 -291 = 2392 - 2683 - +
You know what, Stuart? I like you. You're not like the other people, here, in the trailer park.
#3327 -325 = 2622 - 2947 - +
Just conform, it's safer that way.
#4789 -263 = 3035 - 3298 - +
Question Authority; that's an order!
#2356 -287 = 2409 - 2696 - +
Step on a crack
#2549 -252 = 2563 - 2815 - +
There is no time like the pleasant.
#2853 -257 = 2166 - 2423 - +
#6279 -323 = 3183 - 3506 - +
Everything happens, not for a reason. but everything happens.
#5162 -274 = 3071 - 3345 - +
Strike back against [terrorist/government] oppression!
Send pizza to the following address:
[write address here]
#2565 -254 = 2465 - 2719 - +
I once shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I don't know.
— Groucho Marx
#1551 -281 = 2293 - 2574 - +
There are five kinds of people:
#2824 -273 = 2108 - 2381 - +

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