Semi Official Memebomb Archive

Be all that you can be
#5022 -252 = 2334 - 2586 - +
roads less traveled often lead to happier places
#5023 -252 = 3127 - 3379 - +
#5208 -252 = 2357 - 2609 - +
without chaos, there can not be order
#5452 -252 = 2496 - 2748 - +
My mess is a life
#5516 -252 = 1996 - 2248 - +
#5552 -252 = 2473 - 2725 - +
so let me get this straight... in order to be happy i'm supposed to do what i love for a living? So you want me to turn what i love into work, which i hate... That might be the dumbest plan i've ever heard, it's like the transmutation of the moron.
#5548 -252 = 2518 - 2770 - +
"" == "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for dummy_i in float(inf)])
#5647 -252 = 2564 - 2816 - +
I believe there's nothing to believe. Listen to franz ferdinand.
#5697 -252 = 2260 - 2512 - +
I can stand it if I don't get what I want or need
#5836 -252 = 2050 - 2302 - +
you are just an upgraded monkey
#5982 -252 = 3493 - 3745 - +
#6199 -252 = 3348 - 3600 - +
#6256 -252 = 3272 - 3524 - +
All you can eat, shrimp
#697 -253 = 2821 - 3074 - +
Big donkeys, small donkeys, all good to eat.
#838 -253 = 2610 - 2863 - +
Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites.
#1190 -253 = 2592 - 2845 - +
Sometimes your best just isn't good enough.
#2528 -253 = 2080 - 2333 - +
Stop deluding yourself, everyone finishes last..
#2552 -253 = 2259 - 2512 - +
They know you're reading this.
#2881 -253 = 2273 - 2526 - +
Which way to America?
#3193 -253 = 2321 - 2574 - +
you don't know what's what until you support yourself
#3306 -253 = 1778 - 2031 - +
Wretched excess is it's own reward
#4133 -253 = 2303 - 2556 - +
I get insulted by ads telling me I could dress better. The CIA never tells me that, and you know why? Because they can actually see me.
#4154 -253 = 3277 - 3530 - +
You used to split your time between your mother's ovaries and your father's testicles? ME TOO!
#4223 -253 = 2568 - 2821 - +
This poster is holding reality together.
#4274 -253 = 2740 - 2993 - +
One can repair ignorance. Stupidity is a point of view.
#4353 -253 = 2864 - 3117 - +
Show me a man who knew no pain or suffering as a child, and i'll show you a man who has nothing to contribute to society.
~Robert Brown
#4538 -253 = 2600 - 2853 - +
Collapse the state of mind
#4767 -253 = 2683 - 2936 - +
All law and order is a temporary accident.
#4775 -253 = 2461 - 2714 - +
you don't know about the future yet.........i don't think your'e gonna like the one your gonna get.
#5445 -253 = 2371 - 2624 - +
I invented plagiarism.
#5463 -253 = 2505 - 2758 - +
These monsters are people
#5519 -253 = 2473 - 2726 - +
prosecutors will be violated.
#5727 -253 = 2574 - 2827 - +
At the end you see it clear
#5772 -253 = 2378 - 2631 - +
Real men don't essentialize gender
#5867 -253 = 2290 - 2543 - +
truth doesn't exist, and neither does anything else- how do you know you can trust your senses?
#5894 -253 = 2771 - 3024 - +
whoever controls the future controls the world
#5985 -253 = 2632 - 2885 - +
One day we awake our forth eye in the necklace, and no one will ever have to cry again.
#6017 -253 = 2221 - 2474 - +
A sweater is a garment worn by a child when his mother feels chilly.
#634 -254 = 3290 - 3544 - +
Are you mad at God for not existing?
#751 -254 = 2667 - 2921 - +
Do not live, do not die.
#1034 -254 = 2432 - 2686 - +
I hate the very thought of the thought of you
#1517 -254 = 2765 - 3019 - +
If I were you I'd dance naked in the middle of the street just to embarrass you.
#1643 -254 = 2866 - 3120 - +
If you see the Buddha on the road, please call 911.
#1716 -254 = 2804 - 3058 - +
Asking questions is the only way to get answers.
#3900 -254 = 2859 - 3113 - +
listen when your body talks
#1986 -254 = 2381 - 2635 - +
Most people do not know how to behave in a massacre.
#2076 -254 = 2216 - 2470 - +
No matter how good it is, there's always better.
#2137 -254 = 2078 - 2332 - +
Nothing bad ever happens if you don't do anything.
#2172 -254 = 2180 - 2434 - +
Property doth make cowards of us all
#2338 -254 = 2502 - 2756 - +
resolutions serve to ease our conscience
#2414 -254 = 2490 - 2744 - +
Start finishing what you finished starting.
#2544 -254 = 2403 - 2657 - +
There's always room for unreasonable doubt.
#3911 -254 = 2676 - 2930 - +
Democracy: 9 out of 10 enjoy gang rape.
#3820 -254 = 2416 - 2670 - +
taking a strong stand publicizes the opposite position
#2602 -254 = 2955 - 3209 - +
We find the defendant innocent by reason of being generally clueless.
#3088 -254 = 2674 - 2928 - +
We're behaving like insects
#3116 -254 = 2492 - 2746 - +
Well, what's wrong with a little destruction?
#3131 -254 = 2149 - 2403 - +
Who loathes you, and who do you love? CTHULHU!
#3206 -254 = 2669 - 2923 - +
You might not count in the New World Order
#3338 -254 = 2774 - 3028 - +
problem solver or problem maker
#3500 -254 = 2502 - 2756 - +
#3629 -254 = 2506 - 2760 - +
Please stop, it only encourages them.
#3699 -254 = 2471 - 2725 - +
coffee up or liquor down - it's bubbles, bubbles, crutch to crown
#3829 -254 = 2459 - 2713 - +
If you're bored, you're boring.
#3984 -254 = 2755 - 3009 - +
Security through Obesity
#4034 -254 = 2387 - 2641 - +
The hidden factor may be you.
#4141 -254 = 2581 - 2835 - +
The hidden factor may be you.
#4150 -254 = 2834 - 3088 - +
cats are goddesses who are seceretly cotrolling you
just think on it.
#4327 -254 = 2405 - 2659 - +
She's not your ex, she's already had at least five other exes
#4272 -254 = 2679 - 2933 - +
Don't lie, don't steal, and don't play in the mud.
#4419 -254 = 2898 - 3152 - +
Fight apathy or don't.
#4567 -254 = 2679 - 2933 - +
Plan early, plan twice
#4749 -254 = 2310 - 2564 - +
Real eyes, realize, real lies.
#5057 -254 = 2746 - 3000 - +
a well rounded argument is pointless
#4943 -254 = 2657 - 2911 - +
The darkest aspect of human nature: We are often afraid of the Light.
#4954 -254 = 2569 - 2823 - +
Bitches be bitches or HOES, SLUTS AND SHIT.
#5174 -254 = 2207 - 2461 - +
The world may look flat, but if you shake it, it fizzes right back up again.
#5328 -254 = 2568 - 2822 - +
if a prediction can lead to changes in the system that the prediction is made in relation to, it becomes difficult to assess the predictions with the events that actually occur.
#5349 -254 = 3282 - 3536 - +
People are so impressed with the speed of light, what about the speed of dark. Did you see how dark got outta there like his ass was on fire when you hit that switch?
#5395 -254 = 2343 - 2597 - +
happiness is not a birthright, you must be thinking of death.
#5444 -254 = 2677 - 2931 - +
The only thing you can be certain of is that you can read this.
#5580 -254 = 2035 - 2289 - +
I am a liar and honnest about it
#5629 -254 = 2257 - 2511 - +
never fear goddess is here
#5791 -254 = 2762 - 3016 - +
I sometimes have a right to assert myself, even if it inconveniences others.
#5842 -254 = 2334 - 2588 - +
Listening to the Enemies advises, Irony get's a brand new hit !
#5979 -254 = 2156 - 2410 - +
#6139 -254 = 2958 - 3212 - +
sodomy street: Dookie monster
#6187 -254 = 3331 - 3585 - +
i'm so sorry, but i can't help you.
#6179 -254 = 3075 - 3329 - +
hugo phurst
#6257 -254 = 3075 - 3329 - +
All the technologies you take for granted were created by living, breathing, thinking, dreaming human beings just like you.
#691 -255 = 2454 - 2709 - +
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
#737 -255 = 3268 - 3523 - +
Better to have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
#826 -255 = 2330 - 2585 - +
Coca-Cola, proud sponspors of the Environment
#924 -255 = 2194 - 2449 - +
Consume, conform, OBEY!
#948 -255 = 3148 - 3403 - +
description is more important than metaphor
#1008 -255 = 1909 - 2164 - +
Earn cash in your spare time, blackmail your friends.
#1130 -255 = 2162 - 2417 - +
#1156 -255 = 2105 - 2360 - +
faithfulness is a social not a biological law
#1219 -255 = 2199 - 2454 - +
First I must sprinkle you with fairy dust...
#1247 -255 = 2474 - 2729 - +

5201 Live Kwotes, 741 Deleted Kwotes

Based on the GPL Kwotes Project