Semi Official Memebomb Archive

Nothing bad ever happens if you don't do anything.
#2172 -255 = 2179 - 2434 - +
R.I.P - Habeus Corpus 1782-2006
#2368 -255 = 2108 - 2363 - +
resolutions serve to ease our conscience
#2414 -255 = 2489 - 2744 - +
Sooner or later we'll get your kids
#2529 -255 = 2629 - 2884 - +
The classical Greeks were not influenced by the classical Greeks.
#2647 -255 = 2404 - 2659 - +
The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist is afraid that it is.
#2743 -255 = 2659 - 2914 - +
the whether is changing
#2804 -255 = 2052 - 2307 - +
We're just two lost souls swimmin' in a fishbowl, year after year
#3118 -255 = 2436 - 2691 - +
Yesterday a postal worker asked me what type of handgun he should buy.
#3247 -255 = 3667 - 3922 - +
you bet your ass i'm disease free.
#3281 -255 = 3011 - 3266 - +
you can live on through your descendants
#3286 -255 = 2308 - 2563 - +
You don't have a disease. You just live in New Jersey.
#3305 -255 = 2143 - 2398 - +
You're No. One
#3382 -255 = 2160 - 2415 - +
care to expand?
#3457 -255 = 2105 - 2360 - +
Talking's not illegal, baby.
#3472 -255 = 2876 - 3131 - +
Call in Sick
#3715 -255 = 3237 - 3492 - +
Shit happens. Shit happens all at once. The universe doesn't care about good timing.
#3948 -255 = 2450 - 2705 - +
Life is but a meme within a meme.
#4091 -255 = 2234 - 2489 - +
Nothing is 100% true
#4287 -255 = 2796 - 3051 - +
Atheists just don't have soul man.
#4553 -255 = 2129 - 2384 - +
The best things in life are imaginary
#4830 -255 = 2484 - 2739 - +
a well rounded argument is pointless
#4943 -255 = 2655 - 2910 - +
Just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean they are not coming to get you.
#5043 -255 = 2224 - 2479 - +
Patriotism is for foreigners
#5189 -255 = 2069 - 2324 - +
Life and death'
both are tough sentences
#5292 -255 = 2491 - 2746 - +
Your freedom is not under attack, in order to attack a thing it must exist.
#5323 -255 = 2977 - 3232 - +
The world may look flat, but if you shake it, it fizzes right back up again.
#5328 -255 = 2566 - 2821 - +
People are so impressed with the speed of light, what about the speed of dark. Did you see how dark got outta there like his ass was on fire when you hit that switch?
#5395 -255 = 2341 - 2596 - +
Your smile or your life
#5512 -255 = 2624 - 2879 - +
Cogito Ergo Periculosus - I Think, Therefore, I am Dangerous
#5571 -255 = 2550 - 2805 - +
The chao goes mu.
#5635 -255 = 2065 - 2320 - +
Reading is just staring at a dead piece of wood for hours and hallucinating
#5658 -255 = 2144 - 2399 - +
ignorance is hell.
#5734 -255 = 2717 - 2972 - +
the void does not exist
#5774 -255 = 2748 - 3003 - +
never fear goddess is here
#5791 -255 = 2761 - 3016 - +
I sometimes have a right to assert myself, even if it inconveniences others.
#5842 -255 = 2333 - 2588 - +
There is no edge: the world is boundless & forbids us from fleeing
#5876 -255 = 2215 - 2470 - +
Order in form; Chaos in content
#5896 -255 = 2530 - 2785 - +
fascism is coming back in a big way!! thank you not fundamentalism!!!
#5978 -255 = 2622 - 2877 - +
Estra di abiente - Es gibt kein glück
#6016 -255 = 2441 - 2696 - +
that's not a chocolate bar, it's a turd.
#6114 -255 = 3134 - 3389 - +
if the kingdom of heaven is within you, then the kingdom of hell is without you.
#6159 -255 = 3360 - 3615 - +
explaining a rabbit-hole to a rabbit is like explaining water to a fish.
#6201 -255 = 2746 - 3001 - +
the ripple is not the water.
#6281 -255 = 3626 - 3881 - +
All the technologies you take for granted were created by living, breathing, thinking, dreaming human beings just like you.
#691 -256 = 2453 - 2709 - +
Consume, conform, OBEY!
#948 -256 = 3146 - 3402 - +
Doing nothing you regret leads to regretting doing nothing.
#1065 -256 = 2257 - 2513 - +
Dying is easy. Comedy is hard.
#1126 -256 = 2517 - 2773 - +
Earn cash in your spare time, blackmail your friends.
#1130 -256 = 2161 - 2417 - +
Emotions are simply gears your brain/body can go into.
You either drive a stick or an automatic.
#1144 -256 = 2361 - 2617 - +
#1156 -256 = 2104 - 2360 - +
I don't know if it's lonely at the top
but it's pretty crowded at the bottom
#1507 -256 = 2805 - 3061 - +
I'm already fighting the next war.
#1602 -256 = 2528 - 2784 - +
If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is.
#1646 -256 = 2603 - 2859 - +

*For very limited definitions of "magick" and "real".
#2009 -256 = 2453 - 2709 - +
My armor is contempt
#2085 -256 = 2373 - 2629 - +
Nil illegitimo carborundum.
#2127 -256 = 2239 - 2495 - +
Nothing changes more constantly than the past; for the past that influences our lives does not consist of what happened, but of what men believe happened.
-Gerald W. Johnston
#2173 -256 = 2383 - 2639 - +
Now now, don't go starting any revolutions! -the Mgt.
#2183 -256 = 2287 - 2543 - +
People who work get bored when they don't work.
People who don't work never get bored.
#2283 -256 = 2039 - 2295 - +
Prophets profit.
#2343 -256 = 2618 - 2874 - +
Self improvement is masturbation
#2456 -256 = 3169 - 3425 - +
Seriously, in another second or two, you're going to really hate yourself for having read the entirety of this self-indulgent abortion of a sentence.
#2464 -256 = 2568 - 2824 - +
Shoving feathers up your butt doesn't make you a chicken
#2478 -256 = 2485 - 2741 - +
slipping into madness is good for the sake of comparison
#2491 -256 = 2657 - 2913 - +
Smile, and the whole world thinks you're laughing at them.
#2498 -256 = 2651 - 2907 - +
Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you.
#2556 -256 = 2045 - 2301 - +
The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it.
-George Bernard Shaw
#2718 -256 = 2291 - 2547 - +
The wisest man is an ape compared to god.
#2808 -256 = 2467 - 2723 - +
This is the distraction.
#2913 -256 = 2460 - 2716 - +
Time is a great teacher, but it kills all its pupils.
#2960 -256 = 2026 - 2282 - +
You laugh just like the angles dancing on the head of the pin jabbed into my mind's eye.
#3330 -256 = 2542 - 2798 - +
Train of thought derailed, thousands killed.
#3527 -256 = 3201 - 3457 - +
In case of Emergency, Break Class.
#3792 -256 = 2323 - 2579 - +
"The religion that is afraid of science dishonors God and commits suicide."
#3895 -256 = 2552 - 2808 - +
We are the zombies that Zombies fear.
#4171 -256 = 2587 - 2843 - +
Mother nature don't give a fuck.
#4008 -256 = 2469 - 2725 - +
We may not be free, but we sure are cheap.
#3996 -256 = 4047 - 4303 - +
You are now breathing manually.
#4288 -256 = 2876 - 3132 - +
Peanuts are Peanuts
#4385 -256 = 2132 - 2388 - +
there is *no* conspiracy. the government *is* out to get us.
#4590 -256 = 2452 - 2708 - +
A fine will be charged for wounding the library books.
#4701 -256 = 2060 - 2316 - +
Men always generalise
#4855 -256 = 2996 - 3252 - +
There is a puppy in that room over there. If you think about the puppy, he dies a horrible death. Don't let the Puppy die.
#4856 -256 = 2251 - 2507 - +
Universal quantifications are always wrong.
#4901 -256 = 2341 - 2597 - +
Needs keep ahead of percepts
#4919 -256 = 2699 - 2955 - +
Your insistence in objective truth is making me want to tell you grander lies
#5038 -256 = 2790 - 3046 - +
Belief is a rest home for people who are tired of thinking.
#5029 -256 = 2971 - 3227 - +
I could cure cancer! unless i can't and then i won't.
#5091 -256 = 2523 - 2779 - +
Change is here to stay.
(And nostalgia isn't what it used to be.)
#5381 -256 = 2513 - 2769 - +
happiness is not a birthright, you must be thinking of death.
#5444 -256 = 2675 - 2931 - +
If nothing can exist independently of anything else, then wouldn't that mean that there exists exactly one thing (particularly, a 'nothing') that actually exists in a way that is entirely independent of every other thing?
(sidenote: 'every other thing' includes more things than 'everything,' because 'everything' is only one 'thing,' and 'every other thing' must be at least 3 'things.')
#5489 -256 = 2115 - 2371 - +
Imprint your reality here.
#5594 -256 = 1997 - 2253 - +
Leadership is for people who don't know what they're doing.
#5598 -256 = 2008 - 2264 - +
be ignorant is not a problem, it is to want to stay at all costs that is unforgivable ...
#5625 -256 = 2030 - 2286 - +
Don't quote this
#5639 -256 = 2197 - 2453 - +
eris gives you wings - to stay above the b.s.
#5738 -256 = 1875 - 2131 - +
May your coffee kick in before reality does.
#5788 -256 = 2420 - 2676 - +
#5804 -256 = 2062 - 2318 - +
The fact that other people may not be assertive doesn't mean I shouldn't be.
#5843 -256 = 2292 - 2548 - +

5201 Live Kwotes, 741 Deleted Kwotes

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