Semi Official Memebomb Archive

Pretend you're not pretending
#6506 -7 = 17 - 24 - +
It's far more than a good excuse, it's a valid reason!
#6501 -10 = 186 - 196 - +
Even the Buddha was aware of his enlightenment, much to his chagrin.
#6504 -11 = 74 - 85 - +
I believe in karma... that means I can do bad things to you all day long and assume you deserve it.
#6503 -14 = 152 - 166 - +
I'm angry Orwell didn't kill the cat off for finding Napoleon's secrets, I mean, curiosity killed the cat for eris sake
#6505 -23 = 45 - 68 - +
I think as I will, I feel as I will, I choose as I will, I act as I will, and I experience as I will. Such is doctrine unto the divine for the sake of all individual's sovereignty in this worldly kingdom.
#6502 -37 = 166 - 203 - +
farts in jars though.
#6495 -85 = 718 - 803 - +
Is there anybody in between there?
#6498 -94 = 566 - 660 - +
Since we're not all there, we're all here
#6499 -100 = 428 - 528 - +
The god you believe is not only urine, but feces
#6497 -107 = 597 - 704 - +
Remember, don't eat the people until after the plane has crashed
#6500 -108 = 402 - 510 - +
Thigh highs are the currency of a new generation
#6491 -121 = 895 - 1016 - +
Labor intensive hugs (LIH) are a thing of the past with new orgorgon florgist!
#6496 -131 = 569 - 700 - +
I am an affront to God, the devil, and everything in between.
#6494 -143 = 888 - 1031 - +
bleed for the international power
#6479 -170 = 1215 - 1385 - +
Burn my limbs if that's what makes you happy.
#6492 -184 = 871 - 1055 - +
there's nothing left for the bleeding aristocrats here.
#6478 -190 = 1170 - 1360 - +
Fumble the bumble
#6493 -196 = 890 - 1086 - +
We can meet the end, naked and screaming, or we can suffer.
#6483 -223 = 1204 - 1427 - +
Swim through the fire for a new haircut
#6484 -224 = 1224 - 1448 - +
Got your knows!
#6490 -231 = 1030 - 1261 - +
Shave your veins to protect them from pathogens
#6468 -236 = 1408 - 1644 - +
Truth would quickly cease to become stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it.
-Henry Louis Mencken
#3006 -237 = 2736 - 2973 - +
remember you always have freedom of choice
#2405 -250 = 2101 - 2351 - +
Be nice to other people; they outnumber you 6 billion to one.
#4191 -250 = 4179 - 4429 - +
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.
#4724 -250 = 2657 - 2907 - +
You will find that the State is the kind of organization which, while it does big things badly, does small things badly too.
#3360 -252 = 2763 - 3015 - +
Talking's not illegal, baby.
#3472 -252 = 2691 - 2943 - +
War hath no fury like a non-combatant.
#5158 -253 = 2039 - 2292 - +
challenge your habits
#898 -254 = 3088 - 3342 - +
You always love the ones you hurt
#3251 -254 = 2393 - 2647 - +
Try to outlive these words.
#3741 -254 = 2387 - 2641 - +
How many bears could Bear Grylls grill if Bear Grylls could grill bears?
#4377 -254 = 2804 - 3058 - +
Try to stop thinking for 5 seconds...
#4394 -254 = 2600 - 2854 - +
All statements are true in some sense , false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.
#5902 -254 = 2430 - 2684 - +
94% of hotel guests expect no surprises when entering their room.
#585 -255 = 3438 - 3693 - +
Critique Thyself
#962 -255 = 2360 - 2615 - +
If Life gives you Chaos, you have won.
#4488 -255 = 2809 - 3064 - +
If Two People are arguing and neither has an opinion, which one is right?
#5541 -255 = 2120 - 2375 - +
Solidarity with everyone, against no-one.
#5147 -256 = 2956 - 3212 - +
I see people dying all the time. Sometimes they laugh, sometimes their eyes roll, but i prefer when they just whimper; then i can at least eat my sandwich in peace.
#5488 -256 = 2498 - 2754 - +
you are just an upgraded monkey
#5982 -256 = 3315 - 3571 - +
As we speak, the powers that be are attempting to retrieve Unit 04, assuming it actually was pulled into a hard case, and he needs to blow the whole truth to them.
#769 -257 = 2433 - 2690 - +
Be young - shut up!
#804 -257 = 2729 - 2986 - +
It's all been done before.
So do it louder
#1834 -257 = 2229 - 2486 - +
The harder you work, the luckier you get.
#2685 -257 = 2315 - 2572 - +
You're just saying that because you disagree with me.
#3381 -257 = 2895 - 3152 - +
People fear death, and religion is like their 'get out of jail free' card
#3982 -257 = 2695 - 2952 - +
Infect Yourself.
#4184 -257 = 2644 - 2901 - +
Once the music goes loud enough, it can sound pretty quiet.
#5997 -257 = 2367 - 2624 - +
shutting the fuck up is a lost art
#6459 -257 = 1355 - 1612 - +
Caution: Reality ahead.
#893 -258 = 2766 - 3024 - +
I take part; you take part; he takes part; we take part; you all take part; they profit.
#1570 -258 = 2998 - 3256 - +
Head Your mind!
#4798 -258 = 2456 - 2714 - +
Sellig sind die Toten, den sie erlangen Gewissheit
#6007 -258 = 2140 - 2398 - +
I hate woman, Yet I FuCK PUSSIES ALL THE TIME.
#6077 -258 = 2666 - 2924 - +
if the kingdom of heaven is within you, then the kingdom of hell is without you.
#6159 -258 = 3211 - 3469 - +
It's hard being yourself while everybody is watching.
#3884 -259 = 2508 - 2767 - +
The early worm gets the bird.
#2663 -259 = 1830 - 2089 - +
The rain, it raineth on the Just and the Unjust fella. But chiefly on the Just because the Unjust steals the Just's umbrella.
#2758 -259 = 2674 - 2933 - +
Use only as directed.
#3032 -259 = 2495 - 2754 - +
You just couldn't mind your own business, could you.
#3320 -259 = 2987 - 3246 - +
sometimes, i wish a star would have wished upon me, so then i would not have to wish upon one.
#4778 -259 = 2722 - 2981 - +
#5208 -259 = 2197 - 2456 - +
I don't want to believe this statement.
#5249 -259 = 2576 - 2835 - +
Civil war is an oxymoron.
#5449 -259 = 2688 - 2947 - +
I can stand it if I don't get what I want or need
#5836 -259 = 1895 - 2154 - +
"What happens when a country runs out of cash? They either go commie, or they go fash" -Jris Majesty Gregory Jreg Guevera
#6474 -259 = 1434 - 1693 - +
A much-discussed alternative to homogeneous big-bang nucleosynthesis has been the first-order quark-hadron phase-transition-inspired inhomogeneous model.
#616 -260 = 2814 - 3074 - +
CHANGE comes on stinky feet
#899 -260 = 2886 - 3146 - +
I found Nirvana. It was in my album collection.
#1511 -260 = 2581 - 2841 - +
I'd like to like you like you like me.
#1593 -260 = 2190 - 2450 - +
It happened to you too
#1794 -260 = 2031 - 2291 - +
Jesus loves war!
#1891 -260 = 2460 - 2720 - +
Only the winners decide what were war crimes.
-Gary Wills
#2231 -260 = 2589 - 2849 - +
People will buy anything that's one to a customer.
#2284 -260 = 2594 - 2854 - +
Prophets profit.
#2343 -260 = 2454 - 2714 - +
with only a speck of shit on your nose, everything will smell bad.

Wash your face.
#3228 -260 = 2161 - 2421 - +
The secret to my success: Poor impulse control.
#4058 -260 = 2959 - 3219 - +
The surrealist is the only realist.
#4316 -260 = 2931 - 3191 - +
Regret and worry should cancel each other out.
#4407 -260 = 2546 - 2806 - +
I know of a counterexample, so let's revise the rule.
#4712 -260 = 2296 - 2556 - +
I sometimes have a right to assert myself, even if it inconveniences others.
#5842 -260 = 2174 - 2434 - +
#6095 -260 = 3352 - 3612 - +
i would mention sadomasochistic bestial necrophilia, but that would be beating a dead horse...
#6188 -260 = 3341 - 3601 - +
the ripple is not the water.
#6281 -260 = 3483 - 3743 - +
A sucking chest wound is just nature's way of telling you to slow down.
#632 -261 = 2257 - 2518 - +
#674 -261 = 2567 - 2828 - +
An idle mind is worth two in the bush.
#707 -261 = 2542 - 2803 - +
ATTENTION: The outside will be closing in ten minutes.
#779 -261 = 3305 - 3566 - +
Computers, like cats, can operate crossdimensionally; the trick is in getting them to do what you want.
#934 -261 = 2544 - 2805 - +
Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.
-Lillian Hellman
#971 -261 = 2761 - 3022 - +
FREE, take one--they belong to Lars Ulrich.
#1282 -261 = 2194 - 2455 - +
Hail Stones!
#1371 -261 = 2335 - 2596 - +
I suspect God of being a leftist intellectual.
#1569 -261 = 2041 - 2302 - +
I wish I could go home right now; there is nothing to do here.
#1585 -261 = 2120 - 2381 - +
In civilized life, where the happiness, and indeed almost the existence, of man depends so much upon the opinion of his fellow men, he is constantly acting a studied part.
-Washington Irving
#1757 -261 = 2936 - 3197 - +
It isn't the fall that kills the child, it is the splattering of the brain against the inside of the skull.
#1823 -261 = 2707 - 2968 - +
Oh dear, I've gone and inflated my ego.
#2200 -261 = 1666 - 1927 - +
Pain looks good on other people; that's what they're for.
#2260 -261 = 2063 - 2324 - +

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