News: - you don't even believe in nihilism anymore

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On having nothing to say that hasn't been said before.

Started by Doktor Howl, October 18, 2024, 06:25:14 PM

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Doktor Howl

I have nothing to say.  I mean, I do, but I've said it all before.  Donald Trump shat himself at a rally and mumbled "I'm sorry, Momma."  This actually happened, but it's nothing new.  His opponent, while at least human, has a laugh that sounds like screeching roadrunners.  It is now a legal requirement in several states that a woman bleed out and die to demonstrate that she needs an abortion.

I have nothing to say.  Eris is stomping around all over the world in big shitty boots.  Plagues and large-scale conventional wars are not newsworthy.  It's just another day.  Designating a safe escape route for civilians and then targeting that route with artillery is the norm.  I can sit and watch Russians get blown into scorched bits on telegram, but I don't bother.  And I won't bother until the next album comes out.

I have nothing to say.  If you don't own a house now, odds are you never will.  The four remaining grocery conglomerates are gouging us, and the five remaining news conglomerates are blaming the president because the grocery conglomerates buy advertising and the president doesn't.  And we just accept that, because it's normal.

I have nothing to say.  The discordians all realized what kind of rabbit hole they were in and fled to the safety of their own delusions.  The Church of the Subgenius is composed of scared old folks who want everyone to settle down and stop being so loud.  Even the Mormons have become surly.  Nobody wants to make jokes, because they are afraid that they will be the punchline.  The world is coming to an end, and I'm stuck in Tucson.

I have nothing to say.  I'd like my lawyer now, please.
Molon Lube


It was temporarily necessary to pretend that serfdom is not the default state of humanity, and the illusion that one could influence the big decisions was permitted.

The reason for this was for a short, inconvenient period of time where revolution was possible, however the technology has now caught up, and this unfortunate pretence can be dropped, as such kindly resume your cowering, serfs.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Doktor Howl

Molon Lube