
Not just a bunch of "Trotskyist, car-hating, Hugo Chavez idolising, newt-fancying hypocrites and bendy bus fetishists."

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Started by Junkenstein, July 09, 2020, 06:38:37 PM

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All cleaned up. Had a couple of people stuck in the "awaiting activation" section too

chaotic neutral observer

I was attacked by a crow today.

I was walking along one of those nameless side-streets, that start nowhere, and loop back to nowhere.  There were four crows waiting at the corner, one on a street-light, three on the ground.  As I approached, there was a caw, and the three leapt into the air, all at once, as birds do.

As I rounded the corner, one alighted in a tree above me.  I looked up, hoped it wouldn't decide to poop on me, and continued, oblivious.  Naive.

The blow was to the back of my head; there was no warning.  The next thing I saw was a crow flying away from me, a little above head-height; then it banked right and landed atop a street-light, looking down at me, safe from any possible counterattack.

I was slightly stunned, but uninjured; my hat was undamaged.

I vastly exceed that crow in sheer mass and destructive potential, yet it landed a hit, and I didn't.  The disparity in power was outdone by a disparity in range and mobility.

This is why battleships became obsolete the day someone looked at an airplane and said, "I bet you can drop a bomb from that thing."
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.

Doktor Howl

Birds cannot be trusted.  They are not on our side.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Omnipoetence (PoFP Puppet but too lazy to create an Alt) on May 27, 2021, 06:08:04 PM
My Home Town (Lebanon, Ohio) has decided to pass an ordinance not only banning, but criminalizing all abortion. The Council Meeting consisted mainly of the Council talking about how they use the Bible to make all of their decisions in local government, and friends of mine calling them on their shit.

The Protest of the decision was met with a Counter-Protest of Right-Wingers with big guns that was about quadruple the size. This is the same town where known Nazis in the area assaulted protesters on camera in the streets during past protests. It's likely going to get pretty ugly here soon, and we'll be moving into Lebanon likely within the next few months to get out of this piece of shit house.

Hopefully, I can get some SRA buddies together over the next few months to join at future Protests to discourage future threats and intimidation.
Small world. I'm only about 15 miles away from Lebanon. Depending on the direction, I know you know that means I could be in one of the even worse SW Ohio towns. Though I only know what I have to deal with personally because I'm not a responsible citizen and have never been involved with local government. I should be responsible, though, so holler at me if you need an extra person to help protest stupid shit. Mind you, I'm just a random and this is only my second post in three years... :thinking:


Quote from: Doktor Howl on June 23, 2021, 05:24:31 AM
Birds cannot be trusted.  They are not on our side.

I warned everyone.

In my own world, gearing up to rebuild a co-op that was poised to collapse 3 DAMN MONTHS after I joined it is tiring, and I have a horrible disease of some sort at a key moment.

I'm waiting to lose my smell beyond the sinus fuckery, because although I am fully vaccinated, it's extremely on brand for me to catch COVID, which I had a pretty hefty fear of, only as a breakthrough case... without leaving my house.

(In seriousness, I feel it's unlikely — or else there's a new variant in this co-op that is totally unaffected by vaccines. Cluster of 4 fully vaccinated people who all had different vaccines caught this horrible mess all at once with identical severity.)
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


Quote from: altered on June 27, 2021, 10:08:43 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on June 23, 2021, 05:24:31 AM
Birds cannot be trusted.  They are not on our side.

I warned everyone.

In my own world, gearing up to rebuild a co-op that was poised to collapse 3 DAMN MONTHS after I joined it is tiring, and I have a horrible disease of some sort at a key moment.

I'm waiting to lose my smell beyond the sinus fuckery, because although I am fully vaccinated, it's extremely on brand for me to catch COVID, which I had a pretty hefty fear of, only as a breakthrough case... without leaving my house.

(In seriousness, I feel it's unlikely — or else there's a new variant in this co-op that is totally unaffected by vaccines. Cluster of 4 fully vaccinated people who all had different vaccines caught this horrible mess all at once with identical severity.)

I'm curious. What's the overall state of your health otherwise? If you don't mind, sharing the kinds of things you eat, how often you eat, your level of exercise. Things like that. I had COVID last year and it was only a month of olfactory system defectiveness -- and the runny nose only lasted a week at that. I was even heavy exercise capable during that week.


No luck, friend.

My "diet" is frozen meals and box meals and, if I'm real lucky and I saved up and Eris loves me extra that day, maybe Taco Bell. I'm poorer than "diet" can accommodate; I eat what I get.

My health in every other respect is abysmal: I'm a smoker, I've been homeless a decade off and on, I haven't seen a doctor who took me seriously once my entire life, and I can't exercise meaningfully due to chronic fatigue, depression, and a host of undiagnosed digestive fun that combines with my non-diet to leave me alternating perpetually between food coma and hypoglycemia. If I caught a mild case of COVID, I'd probably die instantly.

But your unlucky day doesn't end there: I have managed to momentarily unclog my sinuses multiple times throughout this ordeal and my taste and smell are unchanged entirely so long as there isn't a solid wall of ooze sludging my head up like a fatberg in London.

And, finally, today, I seem to be starting to recover. In particular, I have had my sense of smell and taste in full since late last night and I still have it this morning, because my sinuses, while still flowing like the blood of my enemies, are no longer stuffed wall-to-wall with malevolent slime monsters.

I don't have a breakthrough case of COVID, I have a really vile head cold. Worst one I've ever had, and I've had some doozies, but it's not in line with COVID — the phlegm and sinus clogging are by far the largest symptoms.

In fact, they're the largest symptoms to the point where if it weren't for the fever and the fact I caught it from others, I'd be forced to assume it was a brand new magical allergy, presumably to the infinite mold that endless late June rain brings to Chicagoland. The concrete is growing fuzz, I shit you not. The fire pit has turned green, and there's no copper in its construction. It's a Resident Evil 7 nightmare.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


As per the edit at the end, this article isn't entirely fair, he did put out an email, it was part fishing for forgiveness, commitment to grow as a person etc but importantly it was: "please dont hit the artist writing the comic coming out because I am attached" followed by clarifying he reached out to the group from last year. I dont think he wanted to come out of his hole yet.

I'm looking forward to him writing again: go forth writer and be a better person in the process, spider would have beaten you with the chairleg for what you did, but life goes on.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

I will be buying Fell when it continues.

I am done canceling artists for being assholes.  It occurred to me that we'd have to throw away 75% of humanity's cultural heritage (first thing that would have to go would be all of Dante's work, along with almost every single age of enlightenment artist, sculptor, or writer), and frankly I don't have any interest in Warren Ellis as anything other than a writer.

Also, at a personal level I have experience what happens when you go along with the mob.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl


QuoteAll of the women, those who are trans, those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community, all of the POC, all those who love this medium as much as you do, all of whom create such wonderful, beautiful work and deserve to feel welcome and to belong in this industry, where do we go? Because we can't stay here.

This sounds like a self-inflicted wound.  I work with a couple of genuinely bad people, real predators.  I could quit, I suppose, while holding my nose and having the vapors.  Instead, I will continue to work and earn my money and make things rough on the two bastards when I have half a chance.
Molon Lube


Speaking for myself, some kinds of hurt cut too close to the bone for me to deal with. Being near some kinds of people is as dangerous to me as if they were actually doing shit to me. I can acknowledge and understand cancelling creators. I do it myself. I don't think anyone here listens to Lostprophets or Ted Nugent, reads the really racist Lovecraft stuff (I mean yeah it's all racist as fuck but some of it is waaaay worse than others), or so on and so forth.

I won't read anything new from Warren Ellis, but I certainly won't condemn people who do. I do also think that if Faust is right about the context, framing it as Ellis being super important and of course he'd be back (which would be legitimately horrible) is fucked. And it's a recurring theme.

A content creator I like did a video about the polarization of viewpoints in online entertainment discourse as regards The Last Of Us 2, which I think applies here. It doesn't matter what your intentions are... if your online presence demands engagement, you will state the most extreme possible version of your beliefs.

Video here:

Genuinely recommend watching it even if you don't care about video game bullshit, Sophie does more than video game content (usually extremely communist deep dives about other kinds of media!) and is one of the most insightful creators I know. For what it's worth, I also avoid almost all YouTube content as a rule, so... take this as you will. It broke through my resistance to its very existence.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.


Ill have to watch that, since baba I don't play much of the long story games, just stuff I can play for 10 min or so and put down, and I'm looking forward to trying it. I knew there was  controversy but didn't pay much heed as to what. Will give the video a look.

Kelly Sue DeConnick had an interesting take on it.

"A year on, Ellis has reached out to the collective at to begin a mediated dialogue. I'm not going to speculate on timing or motives, because I'm not a mindreader and frankly, in my experience, those things don't matter. I've been alcoholic and addict in recovery for 21 years now. People frequently show up in AA and NA rooms because the court said they had to. And frequently, it works anyway"

Shes right of course, as she always is
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: Faust on June 30, 2021, 07:37:33 AM
Ill have to watch that, since baba I don't play much of the long story games, just stuff I can play for 10 min or so and put down

hahah is this my fate? to only play games in 10 min chunks?
baby sleeps sometimes though, right? Surely you can fit in an RPG now and then? he asked hopefully

chaotic neutral observer

Creative geniuses are fungible.

The internet has brought in a golden age of access to, and ability to discover, new media. There is no shortage of talented people producing high-quality entertainment.  Sure, you won't find writers like Ellis hanging out in every coffeeshop, but he doesn't have a monopoly, or anything.  You don't feel like supporting one writer, for whatever reason, you can find another.

...I've been toying the above theory for a while, now, but I don't know if I actually believe it.  Could you replace a Gen Urobuchi, or a Yoko Kanno?  My gut says no.

And I knew Ellis was an asshole, but I watched season 4 of Castlevania anyway.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.