
All you can say in this site's defence is that it, rather than reality, occupies the warped minds of some of the planet's most twisted people; gods know what they would get up to if it wasn't here.  In these arguably insane times, any lessening or attenuation of madness is maybe something to be thankful for.

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Discordians should learn how to FSU

Started by metapunk, September 26, 2005, 04:27:27 PM

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The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: metapunkumm really now guys, you took it all way to seriously,

TRANSLATION:  "This didn't work out the way I thought it would, so now I'm going to backpedal and say I was joking."

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


Are we, as Discordians, morally required to take nothing seriously?  Is that what he's saying?
The Jerk On Bike rolled his eyes and tossed the waffle back over his shoulder--before it struck the ground, a stout, disconcertingly monkey-like dog sprang into the air and snatched it, and began to masticate it--literally--for the sound it made was like a homonculus squatting on the floor muttering "masticate masticate masticate".

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: Rabid Badger of GodAre we, as REAL TRUE Discordians(tm), morally required to take nothing seriously?  Is that what he's saying?

It is NOW.  :lol:
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


The Jerk On Bike rolled his eyes and tossed the waffle back over his shoulder--before it struck the ground, a stout, disconcertingly monkey-like dog sprang into the air and snatched it, and began to masticate it--literally--for the sound it made was like a homonculus squatting on the floor muttering "masticate masticate masticate".

HU 210

Apparently, I somehow stumbled upon this Discordian subculture when a good buddy of mine refered it to me on the justifiable note: "Random like a discordian." Then went on a complete 20 minute informative converstation on f-n-o-r-d.  

I have no idea how this ties into this fucking converstation. Just random I guess.